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Boredom Busters workshops - APRIL CANCELLED DUE TO COVID 19

These workshops aim to help parents kick off the holidays with a bang & entertain their children with something constructive and stimulating.  Our secondary aim is to keep them off their devices (unless it's a coding workshop) & getting them active.

Session details:

    - Suited for Grade 1 - Grade 7
    - Run by subject specialists and sports coaches
    - Covering a multitude of topics to suit most children  
    - Each session is usually 3 hours long
    - Limited to 20 students per session, with a second facilitator brought in for groups bigger than 10
    - A timetable detailing the grade and subject roster will be shared at least a month before the workshop
    - Workshop dates are already available for the year on our calendar

If you are interested in sending your child or children to any of the upcoming sessions please email us as bookings are essential.

                                             See calendar - Workshop Bookings - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

workshop image

Workshops Calendar


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